BrainOBrain Switzerland

We increase your child's intellectual abilities through unique learning methods

What is BrainOBrain?

Bei BrainOBrain legen wir grossen Wert auf die individuelle Entwicklung der intellektuellen Fähigkeiten und Lebenskompetenzen von Kindern im Alter von 4 bis 14 Jahren. In kleinen Klassen fördern wir jedes Kind individuell, betonen Achtsamkeit, Respekt und Individualität.

Unser etabliertes Förderprogramm verwendet eine ausgewählte Kombination von Methoden und Techniken, die eine altersgerechte Gehirnentwicklung ermöglichen und sowohl das kognitive Potential als auch die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung langfristig stärken.

For only 190 CHF per month 😍

Ihr Kind wird:

Die schulischen Leistungen steigern

Effektiver Informationen aufnehmen und verarbeiten

Erfolgreicher mit Gleichaltrigen und Erwachsenen interagieren

Soziale Kompetenzen sowie die Fähigkeit Beziehungen aufzubauen verbessern

Verständnis für komplexe Konzepte sowie kreative Lösungsfindung aufbauen

Fähigkeiten erlernen, kluge Entscheidungen zu treffen und Verantwortung zu übernehmen

Short overview

Die Gruppengrösse beträgt in der Regel 6 Kinder

Die Kurszeiten richten sich nach den Möglichkeiten der Eltern und Kinder (so werden die Gruppen gebildet)

Es gibt zwei verschiedene Programme, eines für Vorschulkinder und das andere für Kinder im Schulalter.

Der Kurs findet 1x pro Woche à 2 Std. statt (Nachhilfe für die Themen des Brainobrain-Programms ist inbegriffen)

The price per month is CHF 190.-

Was wird gefördert?

Concentration & learning 🎓

Confidence & communication 😃

Creativity & imagination 🤍

Decision Making & Leadership 🤝

Our program & methods

Das BrainOBrain-Programm fördert die Entwicklung individueller Talente, praktischer Fähigkeiten sowie emotionaler und kognitiver Intelligenz.

Through a brain-friendly environment and positive relationships with other children, we develop your child's intellect and self-confidence.

Our goal is to develop leadership skills and develop a self-reliant person who is able to make both emotional and rational decisions and be respectful of those around him.

We use proven methods such as NLP and the Far Eastern abacus method to promote children's mental abilities.

Mental Arithmetic

Für die Mentalarithmetik nutzen wir den Abakus, ein altes Rechengerät. Somit wird gleichzeitig der visuelle, auditive sowie der kinästhetische Lernaspekt gefördert.

Bei BrainOBrain verwenden wir ihn, um Schülerinnen und Schüler dazu zu bringen, ohne Papier und andere Hilfsmittel dreistellige Zahlen zu multiplizieren. Diese “mentale Arithmetik” aktiviert beide Gehirnhälften und entfesselt das gesamte intellektuelle Potenzial des Kindes.

NLP for children

The NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) method is used by successful entrepreneurs, managers and executives to maximize their strengths and achieve goals more easily.

BrainOBrain ist das einzige Lernprogramm für Kinder, welches NLP in seine Methodik integriert. Die Kinder lernen dies spielerisch und können es später gezielt anwenden.

VAK method

Our lessons stimulate the senses of sight, hearing and touch, as multi-sensory learning is proven to lead to greater success.

This sustainable and effective learning method promotes intellectual and life skills and activates the brain while stimulating curiosity and enabling satisfying learning.

Learn playfully

Children are naturally curious and explore, learn and find meaning in the things around them through play. The game develops motor and physical skills in children and stimulates their senses so that they can get to know the world around them and build relationships. Through play we learn how to function in a team, share with each other and maintain friendships.

Soft Skills

Soft skills such as good communication, creativity, empathy, self-confidence, active listening and responsibility are crucial for personal and professional development.

At BrainOBrain, we place special emphasis on developing these skills to ensure your child leads a fulfilling and productive life.

During the program we promote high-quality communication, empathy, creativity and respect, which not only brings cognitive benefits for the future but also supports personal development.

Frequently asked questions & answers

What is BrainOBrain?

BrainOBrain is an innovative, international and bilingual educational program that promotes long-term intellectual and life skills in children.

How do lessons in the BrainOBrain educational center differ from lessons at school?

Children's intelligence develops during BrainOBrain-Program in a comfortable environment with emphasis on identifying talent and abilities of the child. A pleasant, relaxed and fun atmosphere in which positive emotional relationships are promoted enables children to develop their first leadership skills.

How is this educational program different from other educational programs for children?

The BrainOBrain-Program focuses on the individual support of children.

Furthermore is BrainOBrain the only learning program that, in addition to mental arithmetic, also contains the elements of NLP methodology.

What skills will my child develop during this program?

The BrainOBrainprogram enables your child to develop their full intellectual potential, to connect the two hemispheres of the brain in such a way that the areas of concentration, focus and memory are strengthened and logical-mathematical-analytical skills are improved... The BrainOBrain-Teachers develop your child's creativity and visualization skills and - together with you - raise them to become a self-confident person.

How can BrainOBrain help me with my education?

By developing their mental abilities, children become more confident, responsible, develop self-confidence and thus improve the quality of life not only for themselves but also for others around them.

What do children receive after completing the BrainOBrain program?

After each level, your child takes a test and receives a certificate that is recognized in 41 countries around the world. An appreciation that makes your child proud and motivated.

Who can attend the BrainOBrain program?

All children with normal development of physical, emotional and mental abilities can do this BrainOBrain-Visit program. Requirements:

Your child can:

  • answer simple questions
  • Moving abacus balls
  • count up to 10 and
  • draw simple written symbols

How long does the learning program last?

The BrainOBrain-Program consists of 10 to 12 levels. Each stage lasts 3 to 4 months. The lessons take place once a week after regular school lessons and last 120 minutes. In addition, the children are allowed an additional 2 - 4 hours per month to repeat the lessons and for additional exercises.

Book a free trial lesson

Please enter your contact information so we can contact you to schedule a free trial lesson for your child.