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Sommerferien fertig: 3 Tipps, wie Sie Ihr Kind auf die Rückkehr in die Schule vorbereiten können

The summer holidays are coming to an end and the start of the new school year and the return to school herald changes in a child's life. Soon there will be no more sleeping in or coming home late after a carefree game day. Regardless of whether the child is looking forward to the start of the new school year or not, this is a time that can cause a lot of stress because it requires a change in the previous daily rhythm and an adjustment to school obligations.

After the long summer break, the child needs some time to get back into his work habits. Mid-August is the best time to gradually prepare your child for the start of school. You can help your child with the following 3 tips.

Positive atmosphere

Children absorb their parents' feelings and attitudes like sponges. It is therefore important to have one positive atmosphere and present the start of the school year as an exciting event. Talk to your child, remind them of the reasons why likes the school - be it because it will see its best friends again or because it can learn something new in its favorite subject. In an open conversation with the little ones, you will find out first-hand what reasons could be problematic for them when returning to school and how they can encourage anticipation.

Kaufen Sie Schulsachen wie Hefte und anderes Material gemeinsam mit Ihrem Kind. Seine Ausrüstung selbstständig auszusuchen, ermöglicht es ihm, seine Individualität auszudrücken. Nach dem Einkaufen können Sie ins Kino, in den Park oder sonst wohin gehen, wo es Ihrem Kind gefällt, und so für Vorfreude auf den Schulstart sorgen. Als weitere Idee, wie die Vorbereitungen auf die Schule Spass machen, können Sie einen Set up a place for learning together. Remove all unnecessary things from the children's desk - especially toys - and create a space that is, above all, pleasant for the child and makes them look forward to new school tasks. A positive attitude at the start of school will help your child adjust more quickly and achieve better school results later on.

Return to everyday school life

Good sleep is immensely important for children because the consequences of a lack of sleep can have a very negative impact on development, mood and concentration. Therefore, gradually get your child used to what lies ahead Sleep regime during the school year. During the summer holidays, children often go to bed late, so getting up early to start school can be a sudden change and strain on their bodies. The easiest way to restore the old rhythm is to send your child to bed half an hour earlier and wake them up half an hour earlier. Slowly adjust these times and your child will be completely used to the school sleep regime again by the start of school in mid/late August.

But returning to school life doesn't just mean going to bed on time. You can help your child now to get used to the new schedule during school. To do this, plan your daily activities in the time slots when the child will be at school afterwards. Start and end your trips when school is in session later, or have lunch when school is in session later. This means your child will already be used to the new daily rhythm by the time school starts.

Time management

Inform your child about the changes that the new school year will bring and help him plan his daily tasks. Talk to him and prepare him for how much time he will spend doing homework and studying each day. Agree on the time frame in which they must devote themselves to school obligations and how much time should be reserved for fun and games with friends. This way, your child can get an idea of what to expect when they start school and what you can expect also take away his fear of uncertainty. Remember that the last days of vacation should be used to make it easier for the child to start school - but do not overload them with unnecessary information.

Wenn Sie Ihrem Kind zusätzliche Hilfestellung geben möchten, damit es die schulischen Veränderungen schnell und einfach meistern kann, besuchen Sie unser Kinderförderprogramm BrainOBrain. Ihr Kind wird seine Zeit auf qualitativ hochwertige und lehrreiche Weise verbringen und Fähigkeiten erlernen, die ihm helfen, neue schulische Herausforderungen zu meistern. Melden Sie Ihr Kind jetzt für eine kostenlose Probelektion at.


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