The BrainOBrain Educational Centers
Choose the BrainOBrain center nearest you! BrainOBrain can be found in Switzerland at the following locations:
Zurich region
Kids Academy Winterthur Stadt
- Rychenbergstrasse 67, 8400 Winterthur
- +41 76 625 76 67
Kids Academy Oberwinterthur (Hegi)
- Solarstrasse 7, 8404 Winterthur
- +41 79 172 08 44
Kids Academy Spreitenbach
- Poststrasse 12, 8957 Spreitenbach
- +41 76 421 88 99
Lucerne & Zug region
St. Gallen region
Kids Academy City of St. Gallen
- Kesslerstrasse 1, 9000 St. Gallen
- +41 78 311 11 23